Secrets of perfect makeup: tips for a radiant look

21 окт, 10:10

If you take into account the following nuances when applying makeup, only then you can confidently say - yes, I have the perfect makeup. How to create the perfect makeup?

Beautiful makeup implies not only good taste, but also skillful execution. Very often you can see fashionable makeup, but they are far from the correct execution and even worse when the peculiarities of a particular type of face are not taken into account. Another very important point is to correctly present the essence of this makeup. Never forget that each type of makeup: daytime, wedding, evening, catwalk, glossy, "makeup TV presenter".

Another important point is quality cosmetics. Many people are mistaken, thinking that quality cosmetics are exclusively expensive brands. This is not the case. Quality cosmetics are those from which there are no allergies, which does not contain animal fats, heavy metals, does not roll off and, of course, after applying which you have no discomfort.

So, if you choose a good cosmetics, take into account all the nuances of your face, follow the latest trends in makeup and correctly selected closet, it is then your makeup will be perfect.

When applying any makeup, the choice of foundation plays an important role.

How to apply foundation on the face?

Foundation is the key to a beautiful makeup. After you have prepared your face for makeup, wiped with a cleansing tonic (in no case should not contain alcohol, otherwise you will dry out your face), applied moisturizer on the face and under the eyes, you start makeup and apply foundation. For this you can use both a sponge and a special brush. In addition to the correct selection of tone, you still need to be able to apply it correctly, if you poorly spread - most often visible borders on the cheekbones, near the ears, then your makeup will look sloppy.

What should not be done when applying foundation:

-do not apply foundation immediately after the cream, wait for about 15 minutes. If the cream is poorly absorbed, the foundation will simply not lie on the face, will roll away
-don't rub the foundation in
-do not put a lot of foundation on the area under the eyes, it will fall into the wrinkles and make them visually deeper.

Technique of foundation application:

Start from the central part of the face, and smoothly reducing to the hair growth line, under the eyes try to apply the tone or concealer with lapping movements from the outer corner of the eye, to the inner part of the eyelid. Be sure to apply the tone on the neck, otherwise the borders will be visible.

We wish you to be always feminine and beautiful!

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