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  • Издается с 17 октября 2006 года

  • The art of choice: quality tights in your closet
    Опубликовано: 2024-05-09 10:10:53

    Modern tights fit the leg perfectly, without creasing or bunching. They are soft to the touch and elastic thanks to the use of Lycra, developed in 1959. The percentage of Lycra in tights can reach 30%, which directly affects the price of the product.

    Choosing quality tights is an important activity. Now on the market there are many brands offering various models. When choosing should be guided by several basic principles.

    First pay attention to the price. Quality can not be cheap, but overpaying for a brand is sometimes unjustified. Take into account that quality tights undergo special processing, which is reflected in the price. In addition, products with antibacterial treatment have their own odor.

    It is also important to pay attention to the seams of the tights. Flat seams do not show through under clothes and do not leave traces on the skin. Products with a “safety belt” protect against damage when you put them on.

    Remember about the style and color of tights. They should match your clothes and overall image. Tights are sized based on height, weight and waist circumference. The density of the tights, measured in den, is also important. The higher the den, the denser the tights are and the better they handle the cold.

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