04 сен, 10:10
Metabolic rate plays a key role in a person's weight gain or loss process. It undoubtedly depends on age, weight and gender, but there are scientifically proven ways to speed up your metabolism to help you spend calories from food and drink more efficiently.
1) Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night - Lack of sleep slows metabolism.
2) Increase the intensity of your workouts - Fast running or intense workouts at the fitness center help speed up your metabolism.
3) Drink green tea - Scientific studies have proven that 2-3 cups of green tea a day can speed up metabolism.
4) Eat breakfast - Eating breakfast is of great importance. Skipping breakfast can cause your body to switch to "lean" mode. Therefore, eat breakfast to speed up your metabolism.
5) Drink plenty of water - Water is the best choice as other drinks can contain calories. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to speed up your metabolism.
6) Exercise with weights - This will not only help strengthen your muscles but also speed up your metabolism.
7) Practice aerobic exercise - 45 minutes of aerobic exercise such as cycling can boost your metabolism for 12 hours.
8) Drink coffee - Even a single cup of coffee helps speed up metabolism (peaks in the first 3 hours after consumption).
9) Laugh more often - 10 minutes of laughter can burn a lot of calories.
10) Eat right - Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, reduce consumption of fatty and sugary foods. Eat small but frequent meals - at least 5 times a day. This will help to significantly speed up your metabolism and remove excess weight.
By following these tips, you will be able to speed up your metabolism and achieve more effective results in your fight for a healthy lifestyle and ideal figure.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/116295.html
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