01 окт, 10:10
The Saucer Diet: Meals without Restrictions
Forget about complicated calorie calculations and in-depth study of the composition of dishes. To achieve a slim figure, you can try the diet "Saucer", based on the principles of fractional eating. With this diet, you can enjoy lunches and dinners in the company of family and friends, while gradually losing excess weight.
Transition Phase: The First Five Days
The first five days of the diet serve as a transition phase from a regular diet to a split diet. This period allows your body to adapt to the change in diet. During this time, it is important to stick to eating every two hours while sitting in a relaxed environment.
Approximate Menu
Breakfast: A cup of black coffee without sugar.
Second Breakfast: Fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing.
Lunch: 10 grams of flaxseed oil and one sweet fruit.
Lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef or fish.
Afternoon snack: One boiled egg or 100 grams of cottage cheese.
Early dinner: Salad of fresh or boiled vegetables with one teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: A handful of prunes or apricots.
Before bedtime: A glass of kefir or non-fat yogurt.
After the first five days, you can move on to the "Saucer" regimen. The basic principles of this regimen include:
Portion of 200 grams: You can eat 200 grams of food at one meal.
Half a Saucer of Vegetables: Half of your portion should be non-starchy vegetables or grains and the other half should be protein foods.
Six meals a day: You should eat six meals a day, the last one two hours before bedtime. The caloric content of one meal should not exceed 300 kilocalories.
Sweets and fried foods: Sweets and fried foods may only be eaten in the morning, with sugary sodas considered a separate meal.
Sample Diet for a Sedentary Lifestyle
Breakfast: Oatmeal cooked on water and boiled chicken breast.
Second Breakfast: Grated apple with cinnamon and non-fat yogurt.
Lunch: Vegetable stew with vegetable oil and boiled fish.
Afternoon snack: Pear or apple.
Dinner: Boiled shrimp and vegetable salad.
Before bed: Kefir, fruit and bran.
The Saucer Diet allows you to enjoy eating in company while losing weight effectively. This method gives you flexibility and the ability to choose a variety of foods without feeling strict restrictions.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/116457.html
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