29 окт, 10:30
More recently, scientists have claimed that 8 hugs a day make a baby happy. But this is a controversial claim, because good parents don't count kisses and hugs, they come naturally. However, there is an important question: how much time should you spend with your infant in your arms? Maybe you shouldn't be afraid to let him go for a while?
The smell of a baby, his soft skin, first smiles - how can you resist it all? Many moms, especially those who have their firstborn, are afraid to miss even the slightest moment in the development of their baby. However, psychologists advise giving children the freedom to explore the world around them once in a while. Children can learn to play by themselves, and this is very important for their development. However, of course, it is necessary to supervise them and ensure their safety.
Psychologists also advise providing children with a variety of toys, depending on their age and development. For children from 1 to 3 months are suitable bright mobiles and rattles, which will help to develop their perception of the world around them. For children from 3 to 6 months are suitable toys that stimulate motor activity, such as balls and rattles. The age from 6 to 9 months is suitable for the development of fine motor skills, and here are suitable for sorters, constructors and pyramids.
From 9 months to a year, babies usually begin to take their first steps, and although they need reassurance and parental attention, babies can explore larger toys such as wheeled toys and doll strollers.
Modern technology also allows moms to stay in touch with their kids while doing household chores at the same time. A baby monitor can come in handy to hear the baby sleeping or having fun, but it is important to check on the baby periodically and give them attention, as a baby always needs the care and supervision of their parents in the first year of life.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/116627.html
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