03 дек, 10:10
There comes a period when parents begin to worry. The child says so many things, pronounces all the letters, but here is something wrong with the letter "R". And, the older the child is, the more the parents' concern manifests itself. And parents seek help from a variety of specialists. Let's try to understand how to do the right thing.
1. the importance of speech therapy
First, this problem helps to solve only a speech therapist. He must look at the child and find the reasons why he does not pronounce this letter. Otherwise, trying to put this sound yourself may do it wrong.
2. aspects to determine the problem
So, first of all, you need to determine:
Whether the child does not have a disorder such as dysarthria or dyslalia. Dysarthria is a disorder of speech (articulation) when the medulla oblongata (bulbar palsy) of the cerebral cortex is affected. Dysarthria is also called eloquence.
How exactly the child tries to pronounce the letter "P", how he pronounces it - with his throat, replaces it with other letters, does not pronounce it at all, pronounces it only in the middle of the word, but not at the beginning, etc.
Maybe the problem is the poor development of breathing and muscles of the articulation apparatus.
3. the role of the speech therapist in correction
The speech therapist finds out the peculiarities of pronunciation and selects exercises specifically for you. If the articulation of the sound is correct, ie vibrates the tip of the tongue at the alveoli, then do not worry, but if the child "growls" throat - it is cause for concern. What else can interfere: teeth, weak breath, stuffy nose, frenulum, etc. The "P" sound may not go because of a short frenulum - check it yourself or go to an orthodontist, as it is not always the fault of immobility of the tongue.
4. difficulty and productivity
If you are not sure how your child articulates this sound, then with this question you need to address only to a speech therapist, and not try to "hear" yourself and try to pick up exercises.
5. difficulties and methods of teaching
Putting the sound "P" is a very painstaking work. Many children take a long time to elicit this sound. In addition to exercises to develop proper diaphragmatic breathing and stretching the frenulum, it is recommended to develop airflow and strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue. Work with the child should be carried out every day for 10-15 minutes. The speech therapist will be able to recommend the right exercises for you.
6. exercises to maintain progress
To pronounce the sound "P" requires complex work of all the muscles of the tongue: the tip of the tongue and its front part are raised to the alveoli, tense, the tip of the tongue vibrates in the passing air stream. The middle part of the tongue is lowered, its lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars; the exhaled air jet should be strong, directed.
Exercises such as "Whose teeth are cleaner?" and "Painter" help to develop the necessary movements of the tongue and air jet. Many games can be found on the Internet on speech therapy sites, but all this you will do only after going to a speech therapy consultation.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/116840.html
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