Lymphadenitis in children: attention to the health of young patients

08 янв, 10:10

The illness of a child is always a worrying moment for parents. However, if in the case of chicken pox or colds the threats to the child's health are minimal, there are diseases that require special attention. One such disease is lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes, fraught with serious consequences if parents do not pay enough attention.

Lymphadenitis is caused by the impact of pathogenic infections on the child's body, making the lymph nodes its natural barriers. This inflammation is usually a consequence of another illness such as sore throat, laryngitis or even mumps.

The mechanism of lymph node enlargement involves activation of the body's defense response to infection. Bacteria entering through the lymphatic channels encounter the nodes, which mobilize cells to fight the infection. This process leads to a significant increase in the size of the nodes.

In advanced cases, the lymph nodes fail, causing severe inflammation and even suppuration. It is important to note that inflammation of the lymph nodes can be both secondary with another disease, and primary, when the infection directly penetrates into the nodes.

Most often the disease begins with a general depressed state, pain in the area of the nodes, increased body temperature and signs of intoxication. If lymphadenitis is suspected, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Although the main cause of lymphadenitis is infections, in rare cases, malignancies can also be initiators. Lymph nodes play an important role in filtering and preventing the spread of cancer cells.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis in children require close medical supervision. With proper treatment under the guidance of a doctor and adherence to parental recommendations, possible complications can be prevented. The best measure is to seek medical help in a timely manner and strict control by specialists.

Lymphadenitis in children occurs more often at the age of 5-7 years, when lymph nodes become a powerful barrier to infections. However, by the age of 8-9 years, the body begins to suppress infection more effectively, which reduces the frequency of purulent lymphadenitis.

It is important for parents to remember that taking care of their child's health means careful observation of his or her condition and timely seeking medical help if necessary.

Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/117060.html

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