22 янв, 10:10
Researchers from the University of Western Australia have conducted a study confirming that the timing of the onset of language development in children may be linked to testosterone levels. Cord blood from 767 Australian newborns was carefully analyzed and the results showed that boys already have significantly higher levels of testosterone in their bodies before birth compared to girls. This study may expand our understanding of the influence of hormonal background on language development in children.
Hormonal influence on brain development:
Sex hormones such as testosterone play an important role in brain formation. Testosterone levels affect various aspects of physical and mental development. By studying the concentration of testosterone in umbilical cord blood, scientists found that boys have ten times the amount of this hormone compared to girls even before they are born.
Delayed development of language skills:
Analyzing the language skills of children at one, two and three years of age, the researchers found that 12% of the children were delayed in the development of language skills. This group was dominated by boys, especially those with the highest testosterone exposure (double the risk). In girls, on the contrary, testosterone levels correlated with a lower risk of delayed language skills development.
study conclusions:
The study emphasizes the importance of early effects of hormonal background on the development of language skills in children. Boys exposed to high concentrations of testosterone are more at risk for developmental delays. These findings may inform further research and help to better understand the relationship between hormonal exposure and children's language development.
The role of parents and pediatricians:
Understanding that hormones can affect language development alerts parents and pediatricians to possible delays. Early identification of problems and provision of support are important for successfully overcoming difficulties in children's language development, especially in boys with elevated testosterone levels.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/117146.html
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