04 мар, 10:10
After you reach the age of 25, not only your body changes, but also the needs of your skin. It needs more attention and comprehensive care to keep it fresh and avoid premature aging. There are several basic skin care steps that include cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.
Facial cleansing plays a key role in skin care after the age of 25. It is recommended to perform this procedure twice a day - morning and evening - using the right products for your skin type: milk, foams or gels. You can also use a toner or lotion to combat excessive oiliness and enlarged pores.
Moisturizing and nourishing are important steps in skin care. To prevent wrinkles at an early age, you need to ensure that your skin is adequately moisturized. Moisturizing toners, creams and nourishing masks can help in this endeavor. Special attention should be paid to the choice of cream, which should be suitable for your age and skin texture.
At home, you can prepare nourishing masks, for example, based on cottage cheese and sour cream. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream. It is important to remember that masks and creams should be light in texture, so as not to overload the skin.
It should also be taken into account that regular cleansing of the skin using scrubs helps to exfoliate dead cells and stimulates skin renewal. However, do not abuse this procedure, it is enough to carry it out once a week.
Special attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes, for which you should use special products suitable for this area. It is necessary to choose creams and gels that will help moisturize and refresh this sensitive area, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging.
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