Therapeutic fasting: experience and results

01 апр, 10:10

An acquaintance of mine, Ludmila, impresses with her young and healthy appearance despite her 40 years. Her sparkling eyes, smooth pink skin and blush on her cheeks astonish many people. It turned out that the secret of her good health - in regular therapeutic fasting. This method helps the body to get rid of toxins and toxins accumulated over the years.

Ludmila has been fasting for 10 days every spring and fall for five years. This experience brings not only noticeable results, but also brings pleasure to her body, which at a certain point begins to "ask" for such a procedure. Fasting is especially effective during periods of metabolic changes, i.e. spring and fall.

Having chosen a proven place for fasting, I prepared for the procedure. Three days before the beginning of the refusal from food I excluded from my diet products of animal origin, coffee, salt and sugar. Finally, the day came when I arrived at the medical center along with two bottles of water, ready to begin the procedures.

The first day of the fast was intense. After talking to the doctors, the treatments began, including the use of leeches, massage and Lyapko applications. All of these are aimed at stimulating metabolism and cleansing the body of toxins. The first day without food was relatively easy as I drank only water.

The second day of fasting began with weighing and measuring health indicators. Feeling light in my body and invigorated, I continued to undergo treatments, including enemas. My body began to respond to the changes and I felt a surge of strength and energy.

The third day of fasting brought another positive result - weight loss and improvement of general health. Although fatigue and heart palpitations increased, I felt lightness in my body and no hunger. The important thing was to keep drinking water and monitoring my condition.

Therapeutic fasting is not only a way to cleanse the body, but also an opportunity for self-development and self-discovery. This experience helps to realize how important it is to take care of your health and to listen to your body.

Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/117574.html

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