Delicious foods for breastfeeding moms

03 май, 10:10

Many women feel obliged to follow certain dietary restrictions when they are breastfeeding. However, this should not affect the variety and quality of meals. Here are some simple but delicious recipes that can be prepared for breastfeeding moms, enriching their meals.

Stuffed cabbage is a traditional dish that is usually associated with heavy cooking. However, the recipe we offer is quite simple: meat, onions, rice and cabbage are all common ingredients that can be found in any store. Once the stuffed cabbage is rolled up, all you need to do is bake it in a sauce consisting of flour, sour cream and water.

Apples in batter is an easy and satisfying dish that can be served as a dessert or snack. Simply cut apples into large slices, sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, and then bake them under a batter consisting of flour, sugar, butter and egg yolk.

Potatoes with cottage cheese is another delicious dish that can be prepared for a nursing mom. Simply cut the potatoes in half, bake them in the oven, and then add a sauce mixed with cottage cheese and herbs. This dish is rich in protein and vitamins, making it a great choice for a nursing mom.

It is important to remember that a nursing mom's diet should be varied and nutritious. Include different types of foods to ensure that you and your baby get all the nutrients they need. And, of course, do not forget about the pleasant moments that bring cooking and eating delicious dishes.


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