A new method of smoking cessation

24 май, 10:10

Want to quit smoking? Scientists offer an unusual solution: rinse your mouth with lemonade. Studies have shown that the sugar in lemonade can help increase attention, energy and improve self-control, which contributes to temporary abstinence from smoking.

A team of researchers from the University of Georgia (US) conducted an experiment among students. They asked 51 students to complete self-control tasks to see if gargling with glucose helped improve cognitive function.

One of the experiments included a task where students had to name the colors of words without reading the words themselves. Before performing this task, half of the students rinsed their mouths with regular lemonade and the other half rinsed their mouths with sugar-sweetened lemonade.

The results showed that the students who used lemonade with added sugar completed the task faster. This suggests that sugar has an effect on improving cognitive function.

Prof. Leonard Martin said that the results of this study show that simple mouthwash may be enough to increase energy and self-control, and not necessarily the ingestion of glucose.

However, it is important to note that the long-term effect of this method is not yet known.

Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/117894.html

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