Heat stroke: causes, symptoms and precautions

19 июл, 10:10

Heat stroke, or hyperthermia, is a serious condition in which the body temperature rises to dangerous levels, accompanied by physical and neurological symptoms. This condition is especially dangerous for young children, the elderly, and athletes. In addition to heat stroke, there are other types of hyperthermia, such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion, which, while less serious, require careful attention and possible medical intervention.

What causes heat stroke?

Heat stroke develops when the body is unable to cope effectively with high temperatures, especially in high humidity. This can happen due to prolonged exposure to the sun or in enclosed spaces without good ventilation. The body is unable to dissipate heat, leading to a spike in temperature and potentially dangerous consequences.

Risk factors include extensive dehydration, which makes the body even more vulnerable to heat stroke. This occurs due to inadequate sweat excretion in high temperatures. Certain medications, such as antihistamines and medications to treat depression or high blood pressure, can also reduce the body's ability to regulate temperature, increasing the risk of heat stroke.

Symptoms of heat stroke

Heat stroke is manifested by dry, hot and flushed skin, lack of sweating, high heart rate, difficulty breathing and possible seizures or loss of consciousness. This condition requires immediate medical attention to prevent serious complications such as internal bleeding or internal organs.

Treatment and prevention

In the case of heat stroke, it is important to quickly move the victim into the shade, remove the victim's clothing and cool the body with a wet, cold cloth. The hospital may use special methods to lower the body temperature, such as cooling and administering fluids through a vein.

Preventing heat stroke includes increasing fluid intake, wearing light clothing and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun. Taking regular breaks and seeking cool places can significantly reduce the risk of heat stroke, especially in hot weather.

Effective prevention and a quick response to the first signs of heat stress will help maintain your health and well-being in high temperatures.

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