How to Deal with a Difficult Mother-in-Law

07 окт, 10:10

Many couples face problems with their parents-in-law, especially when it comes to their mother-in-law. This issue can be resolved by understanding the different types of mothers-in-law and applying appropriate strategies. Let's look at the most common types of "difficult mothers-in-law" and tips for overcoming them.

1. The Benefactor

Signs: This type of mother-in-law always tries to control everything around her and actively interferes in your personal life. She believes that her help and gifts should be accepted with gratitude, and often does not miss an opportunity to remind you of this. In her understanding, personal space does not exist, and she can enter your home or room without an invitation, which can cause discomfort.

Why does she do this? It is important for the Benefactor to feel in control of the situation and her role in the family's life. She uses gifts and financial assistance as a tool of manipulation, which allows her to interfere in your life and make claims.

How to behave: To minimize the negative impact, try to avoid accepting her help if possible. If gifts and help are inevitable, be prepared for her to remind you of them from time to time. Communicate with her openly and honestly, avoid hints and be patient.

2. Competitor

Signs: This type of mother-in-law often criticizes your role in the family, your ability to be a wife, housewife or mother. Her criticism is a way to assert herself and prove that she would be the best choice for her son. She can demonstratively clean or show her displeasure to highlight your shortcomings.

Why does she need this? It is important for a competitor to show her importance and win her son's recognition, even if this means belittling you as a partner.

How to behave: The best way to cope with criticism is to calmly agree with her reproaches and focus on the merits of your husband. Don't let her criticism upset you, and remember that her goal is mental release, not constructive criticism.

3. The Schemer

Signs: The Schemer loves to spread gossip and create conflicts by telling negative stories about you behind your back. She can manipulate her son, creating the impression that you treat her badly.

Why would she do this? The Schemer seeks moral satisfaction from the fact that she is causing discord in your relationship, which can lead to your divorce.

How to behave: Limit communication with such a mother-in-law and be as polite and diplomatic as possible. Avoid emotional reactions and arguments. If your husband is inclined to believe her gossip, it is worth discussing this with him frankly and, if necessary, documenting her behavior.

4. The Possessive Woman

Signs: The possessive woman demands that her son is always available and puts her interests above the interests of his family. She may create health problems or guilt trips to manipulate her son and his time.

Why would she do this? Her goal is to maintain control over her son and be the center of his attention, regardless of his family responsibilities.

How to behave: Work with your husband as a unit. Gradually introduce new habits, such as suggesting that your mother-in-law find a new hobby or occupy her attention in other ways. It is important to convey to her that your husband will help her, but at the same time take into account the interests of his family.

Understanding the different types of difficult mothers-in-law and responding to their behavior correctly will help you maintain harmony in the family and cope with any difficulties that arise.

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