14 окт, 10:10
Love addiction can be a real challenge for those who are caught in its captivity. If you find it difficult to leave a relationship, despite constantly returning back, or you are ready to tolerate humiliation and forgive all the mistakes of your partner, you may be facing this type of addiction. And even if you broke up, but still continue to follow his or her life on social networks, this may be a sign of a deep emotional attachment.
Love addiction is often confused with true love. However, when your condition becomes obsessive, and you cannot find meaning in life without your partner, it goes beyond romance. If every day begins with thoughts that he (she) is not around, and you feel your heart squeezed by memories, this may be a sign of addiction.
Many people suffering from love addiction do not realize for a long time that they need professional help. In our culture, it is often customary to cope with such problems on your own or seek support from friends. However, such measures may not be enough. The sooner a person admits to himself that he has a problem and seeks help from a psychologist, the easier it will be to undergo treatment. Like any addiction, love addiction is easier to correct in the early stages.
People who are addicted to love often idealize their partner. They consider him (her) unique and irreplaceable, believing in their own exclusivity and the uniqueness of the relationship. These beliefs can be the result of self-hypnosis, when a person creates an image of a partner who seems ideal to him (her). In fact, these emotions come from the person himself (herself), not from the partner.
There are two types of people who can become addicted to love. The first group are those who experience breakups painfully. These people may have childhood traumas associated with a feeling of abandonment or betrayal. Such traumas can lead to the fact that they will always strive for dependence, and their breakups will be accompanied by deep emotional suffering.
The second group are those who create the illusion that their partner is the best, and that they will never meet such a person again. This addiction can be similar to gambling addiction: the more a person invests in a relationship, the harder it is to give it up, even though it may not bring happiness.
Overcoming love addiction takes time and effort. It is necessary to recognize the problem and seek help. A therapist can help you understand the reasons for the addiction, learn to cope with emotions, and build healthier relationships in the future.
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