27 дек, 10:10
Running is undoubtedly one of the most accessible and popular forms of physical activity that has a host of positive health benefits. Many people believe that running is the perfect way to keep fit and improve endurance. However, just like any other sport, running can have detrimental effects on your health if you don't follow a few simple rules. Let's take a look at how improper jogging can lead to problems with your body and how to avoid these troubles.
One of the main factors that can cause harm when jogging is improper technique. Many people start running without paying attention to the importance of proper body posture. Improper posture, where the body sways while running, can lead to spinal injuries. It is also important to place the foot correctly and not make sudden movements to avoid joint injuries. In order to run safely, you should definitely work on your technique or consult with a trainer.
Special attention should be paid to the female body. During intensive jogging, problems with the shape of the breasts can occur. This is due to insufficient support of the mammary glands, if you do not use special sports underwear. Concussions from running can lead to stretching of tissues, which in turn contributes to the deterioration of the shape of the breasts. Another unpleasant possibility is the formation of cellulite. Studies have shown that excessive exercise causes free radicals to accumulate in the body, which can contribute to the appearance of “orange peel”. Therefore, to avoid such problems, you should be moderate in training.
One should not forget about the effect of running on the muscles. With too frequent and long jogging, especially in beginners, there can be a loss of muscle mass. This happens because running increases endurance, and the body tries to replace muscle tissue with more energy-dense fat deposits. In addition, long runs can even cause the heart muscle to shrink as it is forced to work under increased strain. However, such problems only occur with extreme loads, such as marathon races.
In addition, it is worth paying attention to the time for running. Morning jogging can be harmful if you start intensive training immediately after sleep. The body has not yet woken up and the load can cause a heart attack or other unpleasant conditions. Also late jogging before bedtime can lead to insomnia, as physical activity excites the body. The optimal time to jog is 4 hours after waking up or a few hours before bedtime to avoid these problems.
The harm of running also comes in the form of injuries. Improper choice of shoes or place for jogging can lead to sprains, strains or other injuries. To avoid this, you should choose comfortable athletic shoes and avoid jogging on difficult and uneven surfaces. It is also important to listen to your body - if you feel pain or discomfort, it is better to skip your workout or reduce the intensity.
So, running can actually be harmful if you don't consider a few key factors. However, with the right approach, adherence to technique and moderate exercise, it is only beneficial. It is important to remember that every sport requires attention and responsibility, and only then will running be effective and safe for health.
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