13 янв, 10:10
In the modern world, punctuality is one of the main signs of professionalism and respect for others. Being late, especially for business meetings, can seriously undermine your authority and ruin your relationships with colleagues or partners. However, if you still didn’t make it on time, it is important to handle this situation correctly and draw conclusions for the future.
levels of lateness and how to smooth them out
Up to 5 minutes. Such lateness does not cause serious indignation. It is enough to simply show that you were in a hurry and apologize, even briefly.
15 minutes. Here you will need an explanation. Do not forget to do it calmly and restrainedly to smooth out possible discontent.
20-30 minutes. Waiting time causes slight resentment. In this case, you will have to make more efforts to convincingly explain the reasons for the delay and demonstrate sincere guilt.
40 minutes or more. Such lateness is perceived as serious disrespect. If the delay exceeds 40 minutes, think about whether it is worth coming at all. It is important to warn the interlocutor in advance, apologize and offer to reschedule the meeting.
why it is important to fight the habit of being late
Frequent lateness, even minor ones, can give you a reputation as a frivolous and unreliable person. This is especially dangerous in the work environment. Employers, clients and colleagues will often prefer a less qualified but punctual employee than a professional who is constantly late.
how to get rid of the habit of being late
Make a clear plan. Set yourself a time frame: for example, leave home at exactly 7:00. Add 10-20 minutes for unforeseen circumstances.
Plan your day in advance. Make a schedule, distribute tasks so that there is enough time between meetings. Do not overload your schedule.
Define priorities. Always highlight the main tasks and focus on their implementation. Less important tasks can be postponed.
Be realistic. Soberly estimate how much time is needed to complete a task. For example, for your morning routine, consider all the details — from breakfast to the road.
Use a watch. Wear a watch or set reminders on your phone to regularly check the time.
What to do if you are still late
If you cannot avoid being late, it is important to honestly admit your guilt, apologize and explain the reasons. This will help to partially alleviate the discontent of others. However, you should not abuse this. The main thing is to work on yourself and gradually get rid of the habit of being late.
Punctuality is a skill that can be developed. By gradually introducing useful habits, you can change the attitude towards yourself and increase the level of trust from others.
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