20 янв, 10:10
If your hair has become sparse and often falls out, it's worth reconsidering your hair care. Often the problems start with improper washing, which can lead to weakened hair structure and hair loss. However, there are a few simple and effective steps you can take to help your locks regain their density and health.
Proper hair washing
Mistakes when washing your hair are one of the most common causes of hair loss. To avoid this, choose mild shampoos that contain nutrients. Favor products from well-known brands, as they often include ingredients that help strengthen the hair and its roots. It is important to remember that the water for washing your scalp should be warm, as hot water can damage your scalp and hair.
Minimize chemical exposure
For healthy hair, it is best to use electrical appliances such as flat irons, irons and hair dryers as little as possible as they can deteriorate the structure of the hair. If your hair has started to fall out, try to avoid perms and long-term styling. Hair dye can also affect their condition, so during the recovery period it is better to refuse coloring.
Masks to strengthen hair
One of the most effective ways to strengthen hair are masks. You can choose ready-made means that are sold in pharmacies, or prepare them at home. For example, a mask based on burdock root will help improve hair health. To do this, take 200-300 g of burdock roots, pour refined oil over them and leave them to infuse for two weeks. After that, the oil can be rubbed into the scalp three times a week. If the hair is severely split, distribute the oil along the entire length.
Folk remedies for hair restoration
In addition to oils, decoction remedies are also useful. For example, a decoction of burdock roots is another way that helps to strengthen hair. Pour boiling water over the dry roots, let infuse and use the decoction to rinse your hair after washing. This will help to improve the condition of the scalp and activate hair growth.
Proper nutrition and vitamins
Nutrition plays an important role in hair restoration. Enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Dairy products, fish, nuts and fresh vegetables help to strengthen hair and improve its condition. Additionally, you can take vitamins and minerals to compensate for possible deficiencies that can negatively affect the health of your hair.
When it is necessary to consult a specialist
If, despite all efforts, hair continues to fall out, it may be a signal of health problems. In this case, it is worth visiting a doctor who will be able to identify the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.
With the help of these simple steps, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair, return them to density and health. The main thing is to approach the recovery process comprehensively and regularly take care of your hair.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/119355.html
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