22 фев, 10:10
Hair loss is a natural process, but if your hair has become noticeably thin, it is important to pay attention to it. There can be many reasons for this problem: from stress and improper care to vitamin deficiencies and other factors. Taking the right approach and caring for your hair will help keep it healthy.
impact of stress
A frequent cause of hair loss is stress. Constant nervous tension disrupts blood circulation in the scalp, causing the hair follicles to receive less nutrients. To cope with this, it is important to calm down, get more rest and try to avoid overstrain.
avoiding bad habits
For the duration of treatment, it is worth giving up styling appliances: curling irons, flat irons and even hair dryers. Chemical procedures, such as coloring, it is also better to postpone. Hair in this period needs the most gentle treatment.
proper nutrition
Diet plays a key role in the condition of the hair. Include more fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods in your menu. Vitamin complexes, especially those containing biotin, will help strengthen your hair from the inside out. If you are into dieting, make sure that it does not deprive your body of essential nutrients.
folk remedies
It is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetic products for hair care. Folk recipes can be just as effective. For example, rinsing the hair with decoctions of oak bark, lime color or birch leaves helps to strengthen their structure.
strengthening masks
Homemade masks from natural ingredients can restore hair and accelerate their growth. One of the popular recipes is a mixture of onions and honey. Onions are grated, mixed with a spoonful of honey and applied to the scalp. After half an hour, the mixture is washed off with warm water. For dry hair, you can add a little vegetable oil.
regular care
To strengthen the hair, it is also useful to use decoctions from burdock roots and aira. They can be applied to the hair before bedtime to strengthen the nutrition of the follicles. The main thing is the regularity of procedures, since the results do not appear immediately.
Following these recommendations, you can strengthen your hair and keep it healthy. The main thing is patience and taking care of yourself.
Адрес новости: http://pannochka/show/119555.html
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