During periods of intense emotional stress, the body directs blood to the organs it considers most important, taking it away from "secondary" organs, including the skin. This entails a change in its hue and increased levels of the hormone cortisone, which can weaken the immune system and make the skin more vulnerable to infections.
Stress also affects the digestive system, which affects the skin. Disruptions in digestion can cause toxins to build up in the body, negatively affecting skin health and overall well-being.
Psychological stress can trigger or exacerbate various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, as well as causing rashes, itching and acne. These reactions are often related to allergies or the release of histamines under stress, which can cause skin irritation.
Acne is one of the most common skin manifestations of stress. Emotional stress can stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing excessive sebum production and clogged pores, resulting in acne.
Despite the temporary discomfort associated with skin reactions to stress, it is important to remember that they are reversible. There are many remedies available to improve skin health and relieve irritation to help restore healthy skin.