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  • Love Trap: How the story begins with a marriage scammer
    Опубликовано: 2024-08-21 10:10:34

    As you dreamed of him, gave everything only to him... - so begins a sad story for many women who, giving their heart and even a considerable amount of money, remain in complete disappointment. Such stories of "self-love" can cause deep wounds that leave scars for life.

    Victims of marriage scams often find themselves in an emotional and financial trap from which it is difficult to recover. Many of them face severe consequences, including health problems and loss of trust in people. Such fraudsters skillfully manipulate emotions, using the weakest points of their victims to gain their trust and steal their wealth.

    When and where can they be found?
    Law enforcement agencies note that marriage scammers are most active in the warm season - spring and summer. It is a time when people are more open to new encounters and romantic relationships. However, this does not mean that they disappear in winter. On the contrary, the traps are set all year round, and meeting such a crook can happen anywhere: in public transport, in the park, or even at the playground.

    Unusual places for encounters, such as cemeteries, can also become a place to catch gullible people. For example, a widow may encounter a "grieving widower" who seemingly understands her pain and offers support but ultimately uses her vulnerability to his advantage. Thus, the deceivers are able to adapt to any circumstances in order to find an approach to their victim.

    Who is the victim of marriage swindlers?
    The victims of marriage scams are often wealthy women who have reached maturity and career success but failed to build personal happiness. These women may not be the first youth and possess considerable means, making them an attractive target for fraudsters.

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