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  • Virtual friendship
    Опубликовано: 2024-07-26 10:10:04

    Friendship, like love, takes time and effort to strengthen itself. Mutual support, willingness to help in a difficult moment - are the foundations of strong friendship. However, female friendship is often questioned, as interference, envy and rivalry can destroy it. In our time, the Internet-dating became a kind of surrogate friendship. But who meets on the Internet and what motives drive them? Can we predict the longevity of such friendly relations?

    Who meets on the Internet?
    People who spend a lot of time online can be divided into several categories. First, it’s those whose professional activities are related to the internet or computers. They have to work online, do business correspondence, collect and process data. Secondly, housewives with plenty of free time often sit on forums and social networks discussing various topics. Third, young people who are actively using social media and messengers to communicate. Finally, people with disabilities or psychological problems also find the Internet a convenient way to communicate.

    Dating motive
    Women who make online encounters often have their reasons for doing so. These may be girls who have been deceived or ridiculed by their friends, those who do not know how to get along easily with people in real life, or those who seek communication with like-minded people. Virtual friendship provides them with the opportunity to find support and understanding that they cannot get in an offline world.

    Where do you meet people like that?
    Most often, future internet friends meet on thematic forums or women’s online resources. Long-term communication gradually grows into friendship. Both sides learn about each other’s personal lives, discuss issues that are important to them. Although such relationships rarely lead to real life encounters, they do bring satisfaction and enjoyment from communication.



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