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  • Subtle connection: how to distinguish and understand feelings and emotions
    Опубликовано: 2024-10-23 10:10:38

    Feelings and emotions are two important components of our inner world, which play a significant role in the daily life of each person. Despite their interconnectedness, they have fundamental differences and perform different functions. Let's consider how exactly they differ and what their main characteristics are.

    Emotions: reaction to the moment
    Emotions, as a rule, are situational in nature and represent a short-term reaction to specific events or situations. They express our immediate evaluative attitude to what is happening. Emotions can manifest spontaneously and be very intense, but they are usually short-term. A.N. Leontiev, a Russian psychologist, noted that emotions often remain unconscious, but play an important role in our lives, helping to navigate the surrounding world and respond to changes. They also have a biological basis and are the result of evolution, helping the body adapt to the environment.

    Examples of emotions:

    Anxiety - arises as a result of the activity of the imagination associated with the uncertainty of the future. This is anxiety caused by a premonition of possible failure or danger.

    Joy is a positive emotion accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. It is a response to an achieved goal or a positive event.

    Anger is a strong feeling of indignation or anger, often caused by injustice or an obstacle to achieving a goal.

    Surprise is an emotion that arises in response to unexpected events or information that requires rethinking.

    Feelings: Long-Term Emotional States
    Unlike emotions, feelings are more stable and have an objective nature. They are formed on the basis of long-term and conscious experiences and represent complex emotional attitudes towards people, objects or events. Feelings can have a significant impact on our behavior and thinking, often forming the basis for making important decisions. They are longer in time and require awareness to be fully understood and realized.

    Examples of feelings:

    Love is a strong and stable attachment to a person or object, accompanied by deep emotional involvement and a desire for closeness.

    Hostility is a stable negative attitude towards a person or group of people, characterized by rejection and conflict.

    Friendship is a deep emotional relationship based on mutual sympathy and trust, often accompanied by a feeling of affection and support.

    Envy is a negative feeling caused by the desire to possess what others have and a sense of one's own inadequacy.

    Interaction of feelings and emotions
    Although feelings and emotions are different, they often intersect and interact with each other. For example, the feeling of love can be expressed through a variety of emotions, such as joy, anger or jealousy, depending on the specific situation. At the same time, the same emotion can reflect different feelings depending on the context.

    This interaction explains why in certain situations we can experience contradictory emotions and feelings. For example, a loved one can evoke in us both a feeling of adoration and a short-term irritation if they act contrary to our expectations. This highlights the importance of a conscious approach to understanding our emotional reactions and feelings.

    Recognizing and expressing emotions and feelings
    Emotions and feelings can be more or less conscious and noticeable to others. For example, emotions are often expressed in the body and in non-verbal behavior such as facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. Feelings, on the other hand, can be hidden and not always expressed outwardly, although their presence can be felt through our behavior and actions.

    The ability to recognize and manage your emotions and feelings is important for personal growth and the development of emotional intelligence. It helps you better understand yourself and others, improves communication skills, and helps strengthen interpersonal relationships.

    Overcoming emotional and sensory contradictions
    The distinction between emotions and feelings also plays a key role in managing internal conflicts. Understanding that emotions can contradict feelings allows us to be more flexible in resolving conflict situations and improve our quality of life. For example, understanding that feelings of affection can coexist with temporary anger helps us avoid hasty conclusions and reactions.

    Ultimately, understanding and distinguishing between feelings and emotions opens up new horizons for self-knowledge and self-improvement. They are important tools that help us cope with life's challenges, develop empathy, and build deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.

    Emotions and feelings are complex and multifaceted phenomena that require careful study and understanding. They play an important role in our lives, influencing our behavior, relationships, and overall well-being.

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