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  • What Affects Fat Accumulation
    Опубликовано: 2025-03-15 10:10:50

    American scientists have found that the protein Sfrp5 plays a key role in the mechanisms of obesity. Studies have shown that this protein stimulates the growth of fat cells and slows down the process of fat breakdown in the body. The discovery may help in the development of new methods for combating excess body weight.

    Researchers from the University of Michigan and the US National Institutes of Health have found that obese animals have significantly higher levels of Sfrp5 than their slimmer counterparts. This protein affects the WNT signaling pathway, promoting an increase in the size of fat cells and a decrease in the activity of mitochondria, which are responsible for the breakdown of fat.

    To test their hypothesis, the scientists bred genetically modified mice that lacked the ability to produce Sfrp5. These rodents, even when on a high-calorie diet, did not gain weight, since their fat cells did not increase in size. In addition, their bodies showed increased activity of genes responsible for fat breakdown, which contributed to more efficient fat burning.

    The authors of the study concluded that Sfrp5 acts as a kind of blocker. It prevents the binding of proteins involved in the transmission of signals between cells, which leads to the accumulation of fat. In the absence of this protein, the body processes fat reserves faster, which can be useful for weight control.

    The discovery of the role of Sfrp5 in the mechanisms of obesity can lead to the creation of new treatments. According to scientists, further research, including work with human cells, will help develop drugs that can reduce the activity of this protein, preventing excess weight gain.

    Thus, the Sfrp5 protein can become an important target in the fight against obesity. If scientists manage to create a drug that controls its activity, this will open up new opportunities for the prevention and treatment of excess weight.

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