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  • 10 facts about hair removal without pain
    Опубликовано: 2024-04-25 10:10:15

    Epilation makes you experience unpleasant moments, but without it in any way. Irritation, ingrown hairs, painful sensations - all this can be avoided.

    1. It is better to carry out the procedure when the pain threshold (ability to respond to pain) is high. When? During menstruation (first two days), after a hard week (Friday evening, for example).

    2. Waxing better in the morning. In the evening, the body responds more strongly to any stimuli, and therefore this procedure in the afternoon will be more painful.

    3. Perform the procedure on the descending moon - the hairs will grow much slower.

    4. Take a hot shower or bath about an hour before the procedure. Hot water promotes muscle relaxation and endorphins, a natural analgesic. After a hot shower, the pores open and the hairs are removed almost painlessly.

     5. Doesn’t hurt to brush the body.

    6. Do not use scrubs and peels before or after the procedure.  There is a significant risk of skin irritation and injury.

    7. Pain during epilation will help remove the ice cubes.

    8.  Use special means that slow hair growth. If you do this regularly, gradually the hair growth will be significantly slowed, the hairs will become thinner, you can do epilation much less often.

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