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  • Treatment of cramps: folk tips
    Опубликовано: 2024-06-17 10:10:56

    Cramps are sharp and involuntary muscle contractions, often accompanied by acute pain. And although they usually do not indicate serious health disorders, they can become quite unpleasant. Cramps can be caused by both calcium deficiency due to insufficient absorption of calcium and potassium deficiency. To cope with these unpleasant sensations, you can turn to folk methods of treatment.

    How recipes and recommendations influence
    One way to prevent cramps is to control the diet. Reducing your intake of acidic foods and including potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, potatoes, apricots) in your diet can reduce the risk of them. Regular consumption of celery seed tea can also help reduce the frequency of cramps.

    Muscle care tips
    For those who suffer from cramps, it is important to avoid overstretching your muscles. Regular exercise breaks and massage after exercise can help prevent cramps and relieve muscle tension.

    Simple recipes to relieve cramps
    Hot herbal tea compresses and warm foot baths can improve circulation and relieve cramps. If cramps attack while swimming, it's worth pinning a pin to your swimsuit - this can help prevent cramps and keep you safe in the water.

    Safety measures and treatment procedures
    If a cramp occurs in the water, it is important to stay calm and swim slowly to shore. Massaging your legs, applying cold compresses or drinking hot tea can also help relieve cramps and restore comfort.

    Preventing cramps
    Avoid cramps by monitoring electrolyte levels in the body and including foods rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium in your diet. In addition, use folk remedies such as pharmacy chamomile tea or massage with olive oil to reduce the risk of cramps and improve your health.

    Treating cramps with folk remedies is not only effective, but also a natural way to relieve symptoms and prevent them from occurring. By following advice on diet, muscle care and using simple recipes, you can significantly improve your quality of life and avoid the discomfort caused by cramps.

    Phototherapy: light for balance
    Previously, human life was inextricably linked to natural light. Waking up at sunrise and falling asleep at sunset was considered the norm, and this helped people feel balanced and harmonious. Today, however, this rhythm is disrupted due to busy lifestyles, which negatively affects our well-being. Phototherapy, or light therapy, can be a life-saving solution, making up for the lack of light we are sorely lacking.

    Lack of light and depression
    The lack of light is especially acute during the colder seasons of winter and fall, when the days get shorter. Doctors are increasingly talking about seasonal depression, linking its occurrence with the lack of light. This phenomenon is confirmed by medical research: with the arrival of cold weather we feel tired, sad and irritable, simply because of the lack of light.

    Rhythms and balance
    Our body is attuned to the rhythms of light and dark: in the morning it needs bright light to activate and start working at its best. Lack of light can upset this balance, leading to fatigue, apathy and depression. Phototherapy can help restore the balance.

    The therapeutic effects of light
    In winter, daylight often falls below the level necessary for the body to function properly. In addition, artificial light sources are not always able to provide the necessary brightness. Phototherapy is designed to solve this problem. During sessions, flashes of special light are directed at the patient, activating nerve endings and stimulating the work of organs and body systems.

    Home phototherapy
    Fortunately, today there is no need to go to specialized centers for phototherapy procedures. Special lamps allow you to conduct phototherapy at home. Sessions lasting from half an hour to several hours can significantly improve well-being and mood, restoring balance in the body.

    Benefits of phototherapy
    Patients who undergo regular phototherapy sessions report improved mood, increased energy, and an overall improved sense of well-being. Phototherapy helps to avoid heavy morning rises, giving the body a boost of energy and activity from the start of the day.

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