Hair loss and bags under the eyes are often thought of as inevitable age-related changes common to many men and some women. However, recent research suggests that these signs may signal an increased risk of heart attack.
Research by Danish scientists
Danish scientists have concluded that bags under the eyes and baldness are indicators of a person's biological rather than chronological age. This means that in some people these signs can appear as early as 30 years old, while in others they may be absent even at the age of 55. It all depends on the general state of health and the cardiovascular system.
Health risks
According to research, people with pronounced signs of aging, such as growing baldness and bags under the eyes, are 57% more likely to suffer heart attacks. Moreover, such people have a 39% higher risk of being diagnosed with other heart diseases. These findings emphasize the importance of paying attention to the outward signs of aging as potential indicators of cardiovascular problems.
Differences between the sexes
Interestingly, loss of hair of any type only increases the risk of heart disease in men. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen found no such correlation in women. The study involved 10,885 people over the age of 40 who were followed for 35 years. About half of the study participants were women. During this period, 3,401 participants developed heart disease and 1,708 were diagnosed with a heart attack.
Visual signs of aging
Researchers monitored four visual signs of aging: bags under the eyes, a growing bald spot on the top of the head, hair loss at the forehead line, and creases in the earlobes. These signs were then compared to the risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases. It turned out that people with bags under their eyes had the highest risk, and hair loss was in second place in terms of risk. However, gray hair and wrinkles did not increase the likelihood of heart attacks.
These findings emphasize the importance of paying close attention to the signs of aging. Although hair loss and bags under the eyes are often thought of as aesthetic concerns, they can signal more serious health problems. It is important to undergo regular medical check-ups and pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system in order to detect and prevent possible diseases in time.