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  • Bath: secrets and tips for health and relaxation
    Опубликовано: 2024-07-14 10:10:18

    Bath is considered one of the best health-improving and therapeutic means known to mankind. Scientific studies confirm that a properly organized bathing procedure can replace a sports workout. It is especially useful for people with sedentary work, because baths make up for the lack of movement, increases strength and endurance, improves coordination of movements and trains blood vessels due to the sharp change in temperature. In addition, bath heat creates a sterile environment, cleansing the pores and improving metabolism.

    Benefits for the skin and body
    Bathing helps to dilate and thoroughly cleanse the pores, removing dirt and toxic substances. This makes the bath a great alternative to the most effective cleansing masks. Active sweating in the steam room stimulates oxidative processes, which promotes better digestion of proteins, fats, trace elements and carbohydrates, and helps in the loss of extra pounds. Modern baths also create an atmosphere of luxury and comfort, helping you find harmony with yourself and the world around you.

    Bath accessories and their choice
    To visit a bathhouse, it is worth stocking up on the necessary accessories: slippers, a bathrobe and a broom. A broom in a package keeps freshness and aroma, which improves its therapeutic properties. Birch broom cleanses the skin perfectly, oak broom has an anti-inflammatory effect, and linden broom soothes. Spanking with a broom increases blood circulation and metabolism, and the essential oils contained in the leaves prevent premature aging of the skin. Special essential oils such as cedar, jasmine, lavender and eucalyptus can be used for inhalation in the steam room.

    Muscle and recovery benefits
    Bath heat warms the muscles, making them flexible and supple. If you feel sore or sprained after a workout, a bath can help you recover quickly. Earlier it was believed that the bath is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, but under certain conditions, such as a temperature of no more than 90 degrees and a warm shower after the steam room, the bath can be useful even for them.

    Baths for smokers and people with lung problems
    Avid smokers and people with lung problems need a bath. Inhaling the hot, dry air of a steam room makes the lungs work harder, improving moisture exchange and helping to remove harmful microorganisms. Bath also helps in quitting smoking, easing the process and softening the first days after quitting. In addition, the bath is useful for joint diseases and sciatica.

    Emotional and psychological well-being
    Bath not only cleanses the body, but also helps to get rid of the burden of worries. After bathing procedures, sleep becomes deeper, and the morning comes the solution to many problems. This is due to the improvement of cerebral blood circulation and activation of the thought process in the steam room. Famous Finnish bath attendants advise to sit in the bath quietly, not to make noise and not to talk, in order to get maximum pleasure and benefit.

    Contrasting procedures and additional care
    After the steam room, it is recommended to swim in a cool pool. Contrasting procedures stimulate the blood vessels and maintain skin elasticity. Baths are excellent for toning the skin, helping to keep it firm and lose excess weight. Combining the bath with massage or cosmetic procedures greatly enhances the beneficial effect. Remember that masks and rubs should be done after a good steaming and washing off the residual sweat.

    Bath is not only a place for purification and recovery of the body, but also a unique opportunity to restore mental balance and improve overall health. By following simple tips and recommendations, you will be able to maximize the benefits of bathing, improve your health and quality of life.


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