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  • How to avoid heat stroke: important recommendations
    Опубликовано: 2024-07-15 10:10:46

    The human body produces a huge amount of heat, which it should effectively cool. This process occurs through sweating and radiating heat through the skin. However, under conditions of high temperature, humidity and intense physical activity, the natural cooling system of the body may not do its job. This could lead to heat stroke - a life-threatening condition. In case of severe heat stroke, the probability of death reaches 30%.

    Early symptoms of heat stroke
    Heat stroke starts with harbingers, which are important to recognize in time. Among them:

    Heavy thirst
    Weakness and lethargy
    Pale skin
    Nausea and/or vomiting
    Fast and frequent breathing (hyperventilation)

    If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately go into the shade, drink cool water and take a cold shower. It can prevent heat stroke.

    Symptoms of severe heat stroke
    If the overheating of the body was too strong, more serious symptoms may appear:

    Sharp increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees and above)
    Severe headache
    Skin redness
    Insufficient sweating
    Muscle weakness or spasms
    Nausea and vomiting
    Accelerated breathing
    Confusion and increased anxiety
    When these symptoms occur, medical attention must be sought immediately, as heat stroke is life-threatening.

    First aid in heat stroke
    Before the arrival of the doctor, you can provide first aid to the victim:

    Take him into the shadows
    Give a cool drink
    Remove excess clothing to increase heat transfer
    Apply cold compresses to head, chest, groin and neck
    It is important to remember that you should not completely cover the body with wet towels, as they can serve as insulating material and increase body temperature.


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