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  • Support of the nervous system through evening exercise
    Опубликовано: 2024-07-23 10:10:18

    The word "exercise" is usually associated with morning exercises, but its role in improving fitness and relieving stress makes evening exercise especially relevant. At the end of a working day, many people experience fatigue, irritability and thoughts about work that can affect their general well-being and psychological state. In such moments, evening exercise becomes a rescue complex of exercises that help to cope with stress and restore energy.

    Evening charge benefits
    Evening exercise can solve a number of problems that many people face at the end of the day:

    Stress and fatigue relief: Regular exercise improves emotional state, reduces stress levels and boosts mood by releasing endorphins - joy hormones.
    Physical condition improvement: Charging helps to get rid of physical fatigue that accumulates during the working day, and reduce back strain.
    Appetite regulation and organ function: Exercises help to improve digestion and support the work of internal organs, contributing to general health.
    Evening Charge Recommendations
    Although everyone can individually choose their exercise system, there are general recommendations that will help make the charging effective and safe:

    Empty stomach: It is best to do the exercises on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before dinner.
    Duration and frequency: Classes should last 10-20 minutes and be held 2-4 times a week to achieve the best results.
    Take your condition into account: If you feel tired, you should reduce the intensity and duration of the training.
    Evening Charge for the Nervous System: Practical Advice


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