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  • Издается с 17 октября 2006 года

  • How heels help to cope with complexes
    Опубликовано: 2024-08-11 10:10:47

    You don't have to wear only black to look slimmer. Here are a few ladies' tricks that can help you look taller and slimmer than you really are.

    The first and most important tip is to wear monochrome clothes. Combine things similar in color but different in texture. For example, a coarse knit sweater and a smooth leather jacket of the same color will create a harmonious and elongated silhouette.

    If you still do not have enough variety of colors, then a solid-colored suit can be diversified with a thing of contrasting tone: a jacket, jacket or sweater. But only one. This will create an accent, not breaking the overall harmony of the outfit and keeping the slimness of the figure.

    It is better not to fasten the buttons on the blazer or zipper on the sweater. This will add straight lines to your image and thus visually lengthen the silhouette. The open line of the blazer will create a vertical line that will visually elongate your look.

    Horizontal stripes visually make your figure look wider. If there are stripes on your clothing, they should definitely be vertical. Vertical stripes will create the illusion of greater height and slimness, making your image more elongated.

    Tights or stockings should be matched to the color of the skirt. Pay attention to the fact that stockings should be combined in color and with shoes. This approach will create a single color flow, which will visually lengthen your legs and make your figure more slender.

    If you do not have a very slender waist, you'd better give up narrow belts. Visually, they form a horizontal line that can "cut" you in half, which will make your figure disproportionate. Instead, choose wide belts that will create vertical lines and emphasize your waist.

    To elongate your neck, wear long necklaces or pendants on large chains. Tight-fitting beads are better to forget - they will visually shorten the neck. Long jewelry will create vertical lines that will help to elongate the silhouette.

    Choose shoes with heels at least 3 centimeters high. This will add slenderness to the figure in general and "straighten" the posture in particular. High heels not only add height, but also give self-confidence, helping to cope with complexes.

    With a small height, it is better to avoid a large number of details in clothing. Small, colorful drawings or a lot of pockets on things will make you look more like a matryoshka doll, but hardly help to look taller and slimmer. Try to choose simple, clean lines and minimalist design.

    Long things should also not be carried away. It is better to combine different proportions: put on, for example, a long sleeveless sleeveless jacket with buttons with a short skirt, and add a short jacket to long pants. This combination will create interesting proportions and add dynamism to your look.

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