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  • Physiological Causes of Frequent Mood Swings
    Опубликовано: 2025-02-12 10:10:18

    Each of us faces moments when our mood changes abruptly. Sometimes this is caused by specific events or situations, but what to do if such changes become regular and for no apparent reason? It is important to remember that mood problems can have a physiological basis, and various diseases and disorders can be behind them.

    hyperactivity of the thyroid gland
    One of the physiological causes of mood changes is hyperthyroidism - a disease in which the thyroid gland begins to secrete excessive amounts of hormones. These hormones affect all organs and systems, including the heart, body temperature and even the brain. In women, this disorder occurs 4-5 times more often than in men, and can manifest itself as irritability, anger and sudden mood swings.

    the effect of cholesterol on the psychoemotional state
    Once on the path to lowering cholesterol levels in the body, many people do not suspect that their treatment can have side effects. The use of statins, drugs to normalize cholesterol, can lead to a worsening of mood. Research conducted by scientists from the University of California has shown that low cholesterol reduces the amount of serotonin, the "happiness hormone," which in turn can lead to depression and irritability.

    diabetes and fluctuations in blood sugar
    Lack of sugar in the blood is a common cause of sudden mood swings. People with diabetes or those who suffer from fluctuations in sugar levels often experience a feeling of irritability and anger. This is due to the fact that the brain, like other organs, suffers from a deficiency of glucose, which is necessary for normal functioning. An imbalance of serotonin as a result of a lack of sugar in the body can cause emotional breakdowns and aggression.

    depression as a hidden threat
    Depression is not only despondency and apathy. For many people, this affliction manifests itself in bouts of irritability and aggression. This is especially true for people with low levels of serotonin, which plays a key role in regulating mood. With depression, the emotional state can be unstable, and a person often experiences bouts of anger for no apparent reason.

    diseases of the nervous system
    Progressive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, can also affect the psycho-emotional state. Since this disorder is associated with damage to nerve cells in the brain, it leads to changes in behavior, memory impairment, and cognitive functions. Symptoms include irritability, aggression, and other behavioral changes that can cause a worsening of mood.

    the effect of liver disease on emotional state
    It is no less interesting that inflammatory liver diseases, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, can lead to significant changes in character and mood. Even in ancient medicine, there was a belief about the connection between liver problems and emotional anger. Modern research confirms that liver diseases can provoke aggression and depression.

    epilepsy and mood
    Epilepsy is another disease that can cause changes in emotional state. Patients with epilepsy often experience mood swings, especially after attacks. This is due to disturbances in brain activity, which cause not only physical symptoms, but also psychoemotional disorders.

    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
    Women who experience PMS know how unpleasant mood changes can be during the premenstrual period. Painful sensations and hormonal fluctuations can cause irritability, depression and aggression. PMS is a natural physiological condition, which, however, has a serious impact on a woman’s psychoemotional state.

    Thus, mood swings can be associated with various physiological and medical factors, and in the case of regular or excessive mood changes, it is worth consulting a specialist.

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