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  • The Impact of Breast Size on Health and Life Expectancy
    Опубликовано: 2025-03-22 10:10:13

    Large breasts are often associated with increased female confidence and attractive male attention. However, this attractive appearance may hide serious health risks that, according to some data, can shorten life expectancy.

    A recent study published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery showed that women with excess breast size may live five years less if they do not solve the problem with breast reduction surgery. The reasons for this connection with life expectancy are not completely clear, but scientists identify several factors that may affect it.

    One of the main reasons for the increase in breast size in women is the consumption of high-calorie foods and the growing level of obesity. Research shows that girls who are accustomed to fast food and sweets from an early age have a much higher risk of developing large breasts. Excess calories contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body, which directly affects breast size.

    In addition, hormonal changes occurring in a woman's body also play a significant role. The female hormone estrogen, which is actively produced in the body, contributes to the increase of fatty tissue, including in the breast. The use of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy can also affect the increase in breast size, making it more noticeable over time.

    Health problems associated with large breasts can be varied. Among them are pain in the back, neck and shoulders, poor posture, as well as difficulties with physical activity. Women with large breasts often have to deal with increased stress on the spine, which in the long term can lead to chronic pain and even diseases.

    However, for women with excessive breast size, there is a solution in the form of plastic surgery, which can not only help reduce breast size, but also improve the quality of life. Breast reduction surgery significantly reduces the load on the spine and muscles, improving posture and reducing pain.

    It is important to note that breast size is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of health. Therefore, if a woman finds it difficult to cope with the discomfort associated with large breasts, she should consult a doctor who can offer the best options for solving the problem, taking into account all the risks and characteristics of the body.

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