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  • Yoga for beginners: first steps
    Опубликовано: 2024-06-30 10:10:23

    No special training is required to start practicing yoga; the most important thing is an open heart and the ability to leave the ego off the mat. One of the main advantages of yoga is that it can be practiced almost anywhere. All you need is enough space and, if possible, a quiet place. It is also recommended to use a yoga mat, as it is more comfortable to perform exercises in sitting and lying positions. Clothes should be as comfortable as possible. Yoga is usually done barefoot, but some prefer to stay in socks or special shoes. It is best to practice on an empty stomach or at least two hours after eating.

    Yoga basics: postures, breathing, meditation
    For those new to yoga, it is important to understand what this practice is. The basic components of yoga are asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation. Asanas make the body more flexible, sturdy and harmonious. They improve circulation and have a rejuvenating effect on the brain, spine and lymphatic system. Many believe that asanas stimulate the movement of prana, the life energy, which is beneficial to both body and spirit.

    Pranayama involves specialized breathing techniques that promote energy production in the solar plexus area, improving the body's ability to fight disease and stress. Breathing exercises also improve brain functions such as concentration and memory.

    Meditation helps you get rid of distracting thoughts, clear your mind and relax, making your thinking clearer. It is sometimes used in combination with affirmation and visualization techniques. These techniques are varied and require a separate discussion. However, beginners should know that yoga requires active work not only of the body, but also of the mind.

    A few exercises for beginners
    Mountain pose (Tadasana)
    This asana is usually performed at the beginning, middle and end of the class. It helps you to relax and focus. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and arms stretched out along your body. Breathe evenly and deeply, looking straight ahead. Try to remain still with minimal effort. The main objective is relaxation and concentration. Some people perform this asana with their eyes closed, concentrating on the inner sensations.

    Tree pose (Vrikshasana)
    This asana strengthens the muscles of the legs and back, promotes concentration and balance. Take the pose of a mountain. As you exhale, press your left foot against your right foot, as close to the groin area as possible, toes pointing down. As you inhale, spread your arms apart, parallel to the floor. Exhale - bring your palms together at chest level. Raise your arms above your head.

    Downward-facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)
    Stand on all fours, resting on the floor with outstretched arms. Relax your upper back. Exhale and lift your knees off the floor, standing on your toes. Extend your back and arms so that they form one line. Straighten your legs, forming an angle with your body, lower your head, breathe evenly and deeply.

    Corpse pose (Shavasana).
    Lie on your back with your arms and legs spread apart. Slowly turn your head to different sides, stretch. Lie for a few minutes, breathing deeply. Think only about your breathing. This asana completes the yoga class, helping the body to assimilate the information received during the training.

    Helpful tips
    Although some exercises seem simple, beginners are better off practicing under the guidance of an instructor. This will help you avoid common mistakes and keep you safe from injury.

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