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  • Издается с 17 октября 2006 года

  • Grace in motion: exercises for tight thighs and buttocks
    Опубликовано: 2024-06-24 10:15:11

    Modern lifestyle, especially when working sedentary, often leads to problems with the waist and thighs, causing displeasure for lovers of tight clothes. In this article we offer a simple but effective set of exercises that will help to strengthen and tighten these areas of the body. Our exercises contribute not only to aesthetic improvement, but also to general well-being.

    Twisting with a twist is an exercise aimed at working the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, hands behind your head. On exhalation, twist your torso, pulling your elbow to the opposite knee. Do 3 approaches for 8 reps per side for maximum effectiveness.

    Dumbbell raises sitting on a chair are designed to stabilize the body. Sit on a stable chair and hold dumbbells in your hands. Slowly raise your arms to shoulder height, then lower them. Repeat the exercise 3 times for 10 repetitions, increasing the weight of the dumbbells as your fitness improves.

    The exercise of lifting the torso lying on the stomach is aimed at working the lower back muscles. Lie on your stomach, hands at shoulder width. As you exhale, lift your chest, lingering at the top point. Repeat 50 times to strengthen the muscles.

    The hip plie is a great exercise for the inner thighs. Spread your feet shoulder width apart, hands behind your head. Squat down slowly, trying to lower yourself as far as possible. Repeat 50 times for maximum effect.

    Dumbbell pull in an incline is aimed at working the broadest muscles of the back. Perform a shallow lunge forward, rest on one leg and raise the dumbbells to waist level. Repeat 3 approaches for 10 times for each arm to strengthen your back and body as a whole.

    Be regular with your workouts and adjust the load to your physical capabilities to achieve the desired results.

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